The Powers of Social Media!


Being generation Y, the internet has played a large role in my life growing up. I don’t remember life without computers and social media, but I believe I created my first social media account at about 12. Social media is now a tool that is second nature to me, as I am on it about 12 hours a day.

I am sometimes still so amazed at it’s powerful nature though! I was reading an article last week about someone hacking into a media organisations Twitter account and posting that the Whitehouse had experienced two explosions and President Obama had been injured.

This Twitter prank may seem innocent enough, as it only was moments before the Whitehouse put a stop to the false rumors, but within 2 minutes $136 billion from the UC stock exchange had been wiped! All it took was 120 seconds!

Never underestimate the powers of social media and what they can do to a business. Responding swiftly may not always be sufficient when you have such a large public domain able to receive the message.

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